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Pre-sales Technical Support

The Release Time:2017-08-24 The number of reading:2890

As a supplier of specialized communication equipment and provider of communication engineering, Shenzhen Hua Jia Hui Technology Co., Ltd obtains the qualification to carry out the design and construction for engineering project such as Telephone Program Controlled core network exchange, optical transmission communication, data communication network and communication power supply. Meantime, we can offer technical support as stated below.

Pre-sales Technical Support

The pre-sales technical support will offer a 7×24 service for the customer so as to make the best understanding of the products and design before them buying any products. It concludes below listed services but not limited to: General system consultant, product consultant, hardware consultant, software consultant and data consultant. We will help our clients via email or telephone to understand the products and function of the products they need for their own project

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